Orientierung in der Partnerschaft

Das vorliegende Buch ist aus der jahrelangen Arbeit der beiden Autoren in ihrer Schweizer Praxis für Gesundheit und Prophylaxe entstanden, durch die Auseinandersetzung mit verschiedenen Konfliktthemen in den menschlichen Beziehungen und deren Lösung.
Das Buch schenkt dem Leser durch einen einfachen Test die Möglichkeit zur Selbsterkenntnis und erklärt ihm die genauen Mechanismen seines Konfliktthemas. 
Wer sich nicht ganz zutrauen mag, aus seiner persönlichen Verstrickung ohne Hilfe herauszufinden, weil sie schon längere Zeit besteht, wird einen Hinweis auf seine persönliche Medizin finden und die Baum-Essenzen können ihm helfen, seinen Weg mit einem liebevollen Herzen weiter zu gehen.

(mit Baum-Fragebogen Partnerschaft)

Gebundene Ausgabe: 293 Seiten

Verlag: Joy-Edition; Auflage: 1., Aufl. (10. Mai 2005)

Sprache: Deutsch

ISBN-10: 3952128929

ISBN-13: 978-3952128923

Verpackungsabmessungen: 24,4 x 17,4 x 2,4 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung: 5.0 von 5


Preis: 18,90 €

Erhältlich bei amazon

Guiding Lights: Discover who you & your partner truly are with simple tests for partners, even for Familymembers, Partners in Business


This book provides the reader with a treatise about order and its structures within the partnership. To become aware of these structures, to consider their profound sense, and to gain a spiritual benefit from them is always a dynamic process, and an extremely touching one at that, a process that can certainly bring progress to we humans.
We humans are highly complex beings. Great teachers, mystics, wise men and the various religious leaders of the past have referred to the human being as the Crown of Creation. In any case, for all those of us who may perhaps not yet be ready, able or willing to understand this to the full, he is a microcosm within a macrocosm. For this reason, his inner is reflected into the outer world, and the outer, quite turbulent world surrounding him is also often reflected on the inside. The human being is the sum of body, soul and mind.
Between them, life always works its way down to his inner being, while he is moved by his feelings on the outside. This is also an expression of the life of his inner soul in the physical world. His moods, which are always moved by his feelings and which never leave him in peace, are what create the opinions and different attitudes within him, which give birth to them, maintain them and let them die again.
Every person has his very own moods and feelings, and these colour him in his special, very personal light, yet they are also able to darken him. They are like the mercury in the small glass tube that indicates the temperature, and, whether we want this or not, these moods repeatedly interconnect with the people around us, forming an alliance with each other. We all form a large net of feelings and, naturally, this also influences and shapes our common spiritual net. Feelings and emotions chain us, and they sometimes bind us together very strongly, and often very painfully. If we start to clear them, however, they will help us to practice our ability to exercise understanding and tolerance. In this way, we will learn that our ability to love can free us from one another. Detachment becomes the foundation-stone for a new kind of living in a loving manner and, at the end of this process, we will have fully understood it: our heart has given us freedom; we have found it again through our heart.


Gebundene Ausgabe:  204 Seiten

ISBN-13: 978-3-7322-7908-1

Verlag: Books on Demand

Erscheinungsdatum: 17.02.2014

Sprache: Englisch

Farbe: Ja


Preis: 38,90 €



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